Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image
Spectral Surveillance featured image

Spectral Surveillance

This body of work uses a surreal, uncanny and fantastical colour palette to create imagined landscapes, reminiscent of figurative scenes and tableaus of the renaissance and baroque periods. I have sourced images by mining through digital mapping platforms, such as google street view, and created a ‘pastiche’ of figures, interacting with their surroundings, each other and the viewer. By spending time to sculpt the bodies of these figures with paint, I am engaging with questions of the body in surveilled space and questions of privacy. Referencing ideas of phenomenology (Maurice Merleau-Ponty), I have aimed to recreate the phenomena of each of the subjects' respective temporalities, (through colour and brushstroke) in a space that they do not belong to.

By spending a lot of time on google earth and google street view, I have sourced imagery of figures and bodies. Some unaware that they are being recorded in the moment, and some poignantly aware, even interacting with the camera, or the ‘god-like’ viewer. I then collage these bodies into a new space and a new time.

I believe that painting this digitally sourced imagery on a large scale makes it complicated, and sophisticated, emphasising tangible and material qualities, and the existence of these bodies within time and space.

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